domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

Critical aspects to be successful educating spanish timbrado canaries by using electronic means

I have been educating Spanish timbrado canaries by only using electronic means for some years and I must say that I’m quite satisfied with the results, to the point that I will never do it in a different way. I do believe there are several key aspects that experience has taught me and I would like to share them:

1.-Selection: only use individuals which genetic capacity allows them to learn by thee means. Even though it is true that most canaries have the capacity to learn by listening, there are some that have been selected by its ability to learn and those are the ones we need to focus on.

2.-Consistency: by leveraging on the previous aspect of selection, it´s critical that most birds from our stock possess the characteristics on which our selection is based, in our case and because we are focused on teaching by electronic means, most of our stock must be able to learn in such way. A typical example is the fancier that has a stock with a certain quality, let’s say, Spanish timbrado canaries with a classical repertoire. And he/she decides to introduce one or two couples with other characteristics, he/she will produce a minor effect over the descendants of such birds but it will quickly dilute because always the majority drags the minority, in this case our brand new couples, therefore, my recommendation is that is better to breed with birds that possess the characteristics we’d like to fix even though it implies to breed with a lesser number of birds.

3.-Audio Quality: this is also a critical and fundamental aspect, what the canaries listen to will become its primary guidance, therefore the material must be free of noise, hiss and distortion, by the same token, connections between notes must be carefully reviewed avoiding any alteration in the note continuity no matter how minor it is. Also, the audio must have the same volume all along; this is easily carried out by using the Normalize function, which is available in most audio editing software.

4.-Acustic Isolation: the Young canaries must be isolated from parents or other adult canaries physically, acoustically or preferably in both ways. If young birds listen to adults, they will always copy from them instead of the audio because it is much easier for them, and for the same reason I do not advise to use mixed methods for educating canaries (professor-audio).

4.-Repertoire: as indicated before, what the canary listens to becomes its primary guidance, therefore  the repertoire must be of our taste and the notes used must be of a the right complexity for our birds to learn  and to execute them.

  I hope these few lines will contribute in some of you getting better results.

2 comentarios:

  1. For some breathers (me included) is a shame to teatch timbrados there song by other means than the natural way.
    We bread our birds so they can develop there natural song and with every new generation this song will be better. To teach the birds with electronic means is kidding yourself becourse Each time the bird is in moult he develop new elemenst in his song and lose what he had learned in the past.
    So you can teach a bird to sing a (nice) reportoire to get some more points in a contest and maybe earn a price within that contest but how do you want to select the birs to naturaly better there song

  2. Tony, gracias por tu comentario, debo aclararte que el proceso natural de aprendizaje de un canario en la naturaleza es la copia, de paso la unica diferencia entre un maestro y un audio, es que el audio si esta bien hecho no tiene faltas.
    Un concepto muy importante es que algunos canarios pierden notas durante la muda por un descenso del nivel de testosterona junto con el proceso de neurogenesis, ambos muy bien documentados por el cientifico Fernando Nottebohm. Es decir que la posible pérdida de notas es independiente del método de aprendizaje (o de no aprendizaje en el caso de los criadores de "discontinuos") y si dependiente de comentado anteriormente.
    Por cierto he visto que has colgado el video de un pajaro cuya madre es Manolo Fernando Moreno de Artá, que sepas que Manolo es uno de los pioneros en el arte de educar electronicamente y sus pajaros son seleccionados extrictamente bajo ese criterio, le puedes preguntar es un crack en el tema.

    Por ultimo si puedes observa el pájaro Nro 9 en este mismo blog, es del 2010, grabado hace un par de meses, empieza a contar los giros y notas que da, a ver si ha perdido algo. Hay muchos mitos colgados en internet y ese es uno comprobados cientificamente.

    Un par de papers sobre el tema ya que veo que lees inglés:

    Neural mechanisms of birdsong memory by Johan Bolhuis y Manfred Gahr Nature Reviews May 2006


    The origins of vocal learning: new sounds, new circuits, new cells by Fernando Nottebohm y Wan-Chun Liu , 2010 By Elsevier inc

    ambos los puedes conseguir en internet.

    un saludo,

    Ernesto Ramos
